Is there really such a thing as having a television that is too big? That answer depends on what type of television you have. Flat screen TVs are the "in" thing, but not all televisions advertising as flat screens are the same. Some are the old television updated with a new screen or are big screen televisions that have the same technology as the older versions. You should really know the difference before you make such a major purchase. The problem in the past was that not all flat screen televisions were better than their round screen cousins.
The flat screen monitor for the computer was very popular and gave a high density resolution. That flat screen was applied to big screen televisions. There is a huge problem with those huge monstrosities.
As the screen size was increased, color and resolution became distorted. Therefore, a person would have a giant picture, but the quality wasn't as good as that of small 27" televisions. Okay, so most people, when referring to flat screen TVs are actually talking about a plasma or a LCD television. Both offer up a great picture, but have different technology behind the screen. Regardless of the size, the picture still has incredible resolution.
Some models, particularly the Samsung tv, have new software that makes on-screen motions much smoother. As with anything being too much, sometimes the prices for these televisions can be more than the average consumer wishes to spend. Flat screen televisions are quite expensive when compared to their cathode-ray cousins. Consumers are going to pay for that technology.
A 52" HDTV plasma television from Samsung runs close to $8,000.00 and that may be more than you want to spend on a television. Flat screen TVs can be a bit more expensive than the average consumer wants to pay for a telly. However, truth be told, most people watch enough television to justify the purchase. Gamers are especially prone to wanting these new televisions.
The price is actually not bad and a good LCD can be purchased for around $700.00 depending on where you buy.
Before you buy your next hdtv plasma television, read about the lcd tv plasma tv reviews on our Plasma Television site.